Enclosed Trailer Repair Kit #2 – to replace up to a 49″ section of side wall support


  • Includes 1 “L” Bracket Rail – 3 hat rails – 1 pack of 50 Tek Screws – 1 pack of 50 Panel Screws
  • Parts for a roof repair are not included in this kit.
  • Ships in one cardboard shipping tube (cost included).
  • Shipping ground with UPS cost not included.

4 in stock


  • PLEASE NOTE: These are “generic” parts of OUR design, for the use of making a Repair to a Damaged Enclosed Trailer.  These parts are NOT intended to be EXACT Replacement(s) for any existing product or brand trailer. If you are not comfortable using a metal saw and/or grinder (w/ & w/o a Cut-Off wheel), these items might not be for you.  All Parts (except for the “joining bracket” are shipped as 96″ sections only) including the available Aluminum sheeting 49″ X 96″ panels.  Cutting/trimming to size/length should be expected, as most enclosed trailers are less than 96″ tall &/or 84″ wide inside.
  • You can use the  1″ square tube as BOTH the upright (vertical) & roof crossbar (horizontal)  by setting the crossbar 3/4″ back from the outside edge. When using this method, the “joining bracket” is attached in a manner that creates a rounded radius transition from side to roof. Use 4 tek screws on one side of the connection, and only 2 tek screws on the opposite side being sure to use the vacant space between the holes/screws on the opposite side. Uprights should be placed at 48″ on center, to allow for the standard 1″ overlap of the 49″ wide panels.
  • Or you can use the 1-1/16 Hat Rail as the vertical side rail & the 1″ square tube as the roof crossbar by placing it “inside of” the 1-1/16 hat channel used as the side rail. Note that this method will require you to cut and fold the side tabs of the Hat rail in a manner that you can then place the “joining bracket” over the  Bent tabs, (w/ tabs bent in) & on the square tube.  While this method may be preferred by some, please note that some grinding/cutting will be needed to achieve a rounded radius like the above method if you have that concern. The same Hat & Tube method can be used w/o the “joining bracket” as long as the folded tabs (from the Hat) allow you to use at a minimum of 2 tek screws per side.
  • Alternatively, you can use the Square tube as the upright and the Hat rail as the crossbar.  Simply Reverse the placement, and the same note applies to the Top edge rounded radius. This method may be preferred if you intend to use solid foam insulation in the roof, as it allows to flex it into place and is retained by the “wings” of the hat.
  • Floor level uses “L” bracket rail to secure either the hat style or square tube uprights
  • Appropriate Tek Screws (AFT-TEK SCREW X 50) or Panel Screws (AFT-PANEL SCREW X 50) should be used for both structural stability &/or appearance.
  • Find your step-by-step guide here: Enclosed Trailer Repair Guide
  • We understand that the kits created might not fit all situations. We encourage you to call and speak with one of our parts specialists at 410-414-3625 to discuss your needs. They will gladly design a custom kit for you and allow you to order it over the phone versus one of our pre-made kits. 

Useful information:

  • Square Tubing 1″ x 1″ x 8′ 16 gauge
  • “L” Bracket Rail – 2″x 3″x 8′ angle iron 16 gauge
  • Hat Rail 5/8 x 5/8 x 8′ x1-1/16 16 gauge
  • Drilled “L” Bracket w/ Rounded Radius Joining Plate 1″x 4″ 16 gauge